Saturday, August 23, 2008

What's new.

O.k. Here's what's new...
We got a puppy. (Cute, but she's a puppy.)
I've taken up trying to jog. (Brutal.)
I'm back to work.
My mom thinks that my youngest daughter lives in Florida. (We're in Georgia.)
I want to find an apartment. (Looooooooooooooooong story.)
My hair is about an inch long.
I have a new friend.

So, there it is. Hopefully, I'll find some time in my life when I can expound on all of these mysterious sounding circumstances.
But, for now, I'm going to try some jogging with our puppy.


Mike said...

Sounds like a hectic time especially with a new puppy in the house. Hope everything works out.

Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

Hope the new puppy isn't making too many messes!

Hi from Michele's!

carmilevy said...

How cool is that! May she bring much happiness to your life. As I write this, our rather insane puppy, Frasier the Miniature Schnauzer, is standing next to me, trying to nudge my hands away from the keyboard.

We love him to bits and pieces. May you always feel the same way about your new addition.

Anonymous said...

When did all this happen with grandma?