What started off as a cloudy, rainy day has turned out sunny. I love it when things change for the better. Atlanta has had a lot of rain this year. Nice bit of a flood this fall washed out part of a street in our neighborhood.
We are going to my nephew's house today for New Years with in-laws. I've never been to his house. Doesn't it seem unreal how you can live so close to family and see them so rarely. This year, I want to do better at that. Once I find out where he lives, I can take him muffins. I know he's only 10 minutes away.
I've been looking at blogs this morning and most everyone is posting what they would like to do to be better. A noble incline, indeed. Exercise, organizing closets, and the like...
Personally, I seem to live in a house that wants to be on an HGTV program that gets rid of clutter. A house seeking fame and the humiliation of the people whe live in it. We really should take better care of it, as it has no thumbs and cannot do it for itself.
I lost my favorite camera this year to carelessness. It was in my bag which I tossed down. Something in the bag hit the LCD screen and shattered it. Sad, really. I still keep it on my desk with vague hopes that an alternate reality will open up and it will be magically repaired. Hmmm...
I've got another, but it's not as friendly.
This morning's muffins were bananas and pineapple. YUM! Very nice with a cheese omelet and coffee.
So everyone have a happy! I'm off to see what the rest of this day holds in store. Get out there and see YOUR day!