Well, I got up and went to Michele's this morning. I was astounded to see how many folks had already been there!
I am inspired today to clean my bathrooms. Now I have bleach in my nose and I'm rather enjoying it. And while I'm cleaning, I pretend I'm the Little Princess (Burnett) or Laura Ingalls Wilder. (O.k. to laugh. This is actually advice I give my kids.) Unless I have on music or NPR. There's something very satisfying about cleaning down to the corners. This does not happen often, I assure you...
And Bella is quite put out that she is the only one home to help. (grumpgrump) "This is not mine." "Where does this go?" "My stomach hurts." "I'm tired." "Let me tell you about my Webkinz." (Or the horse I found Byer Horses. Or look at thrick I taught my Nintendog.)
Molly is away. She spent the night with Lydia for Lyd's b-day. At the Omni Hotel downtown. With a pool. And they went to see "Prince Caspian". And they are going to the aquarium today. Rosa is out today with one of her friends. A rare occasion. But away playing. Bruce is sleeping after coming in at 7ish. And we are home... Therein lies the rub for Bella.
However, she and I get to make the plans for our picnic on Monday without interference. We will plan it all and everyone else will have to deal. Nyah! Good heavens, I sound contrary. Must be the bleach.
Mmmmmmm... And I have to get my mom today. Wonder what color the sky is in her world today.