Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day feast

Tuesday morning. I'm up and getting ready for work.

In the end for our Memorial Day cookout, we stayed at home and invited my mom-in -law and our friend Len over. And Hot Damn if we didn't feast. Rosa fixed her own creation for devilled eggs and they were SO good. Molly fixed the dressing for the slaw and even Bruce liked it! Ysabel fixed the salad and the banana pudding. It was so good! I fixed the grilled chicken and the bbq'd ribs and the potato salad. We all ate like we were starved!

I love to cook for my family, but I espcially love to cook for others. It's such a blessing to have family and friends around the table, laughing and talking and eating.

I hope YOU had a wonderful weekend, as well.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my new blog, I am new at it but am having a great time. Congrats on making it to summer break. I will look forward to reading about how you spend it with a jealous glee.