Friday, May 9, 2008

Should've known...

On Wednesday, Molly and I met Ysabel and Rosa in Decatur to attend a book signing at our favorite book store. Rick Riordan writes mysteries for adults, but he started a series for kids about a boy who's dad is Poseidon. Needless to say this causes some complications in his life. Really good adventures. His 4th book in the series came out on Tuesday.

Little Shop of Stories was a MADHOUSE. And I forgot to ask Rosa to bring our books to sign and by the time I got there there was well over 100 people in line to get theirs signed. And he was almost an hour late. Well you can see the crowd. I got a couple of shots of the author, too.

Jerry Spinelli (Holes)was supposed to be there at 5:30 for a meet and greet with local teachers and librarians. But after a day at work (And I forgot to wear flats. Poor planning.) and I was hungry, I was ready to GO.

Silly me for not comprehending the rock-starness of these guys. I was so excited to let Mr. Riordan know how much we enjoy his books. So was everyone else apparantly. Ah well. At least we were out of the house. And we got to check out LSOS's new location. Our second favorite bookstore, Wordsmith, had moved as well. Both places are great locations.

I'm about to start rambling, as I am very exhausted. Mother's Day is this weekend. That means I get to clean house VERY well tomorrow. On Sunday, I'll go to church, then get my mom. Rosa and I willcook dinner for her and my mom-in-law. I was hoping I'd get out to play with Susan, but it's Mother's Day and I have work to do. Suck monkeys.


Sleepypete said...

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow :-) We had ours about a month or so ago (I never remember, I depend on nagging and adverts to remind me !)

And welcome to the blogging world :-)

Bobkat said...

Welcome to blogland!

I queued for over two hours once at a Terry Prectchett book signing.

Michele sent me to say hi!