Saturday, May 31, 2008

I found these directions on a bag of ICE! What does this say about consumers these days?


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, see, some peeps don't know when to ice-off. Like me.

Teena in Toronto said...

Hmmm ... it's a good thing they said to keep it frozen!

Hello, Michele sent me!

Andi said...

It's funny that some people would look at that every day and think that there was nothing extraordinary about these directions being there.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

There are lots of notices like this, such as the peanut packet that says "Warning: this contains nuts" and the sleeping pills packet that says "Warning: may cause drowsiness."

Michele sent me.

carmilevy said...

Ever since that lady won a gazillion dollars from Mcdonalds after burning herself by driving with her coffee cup between her legs after picking it up from the drive-through window, CYA-type messages have proliferated like rabbits on a spring day.

It's not just that consumers are dumb - well, they are. Extremely - but that companies are now so afraid of getting sued for overlooking ANYTHING that they put every imaginable warning on their packaging.

It's so sad to see. We really are becoming a dumb society.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Yep, you've got to point out the obvious these days... Sadly!

Anonymous said...


That's so amazing mom. So scary to think that people can be so stupid or that companies can be that paranoid.